Submit Your Sheep Story

Hooray! I want to hear all about this remarkable sheep of yours. What made it so special? Was it smart, or generous, or silly, or mischievous? Or was it simply a really good friend?

You can submit your story in two ways:

  1. Call TWC's voicemail at 888-653-5558 and follow the prompts to tell your story in a voicemail message.
  2. Use your phone's voice memo feature to record yourself and then email it to me at

Please keep your story to five minutes or less. I want to include as many of your stories as possible.

Start by introducing yourself. Provide your name, the name and location of your farm, and the breed(s) of sheep you raise.

Then, tell us about this remarkable sheep of yours.

Last but not least, please include an email address where I can reach you if I have any questions or need more information.

And finally: In sending me your story via voicemail or email, you agree to let me share a complete or edited version of this recording in an upcoming episode of Voices in Wool.

Thank you!