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Clara Parkes

Wool is life. I make The Wool Channel go.

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Flock Talk on Wednesday!

Mark your calendars! Our next Flock Talk is Wednesday July 31st at 7pm EDT

Flock Talk on Wednesday!
Members Free

The Wool Wire | July 24, 2024

Canadian wool coats, Vermont's sheep mania, NZ goes on the offensive, cycling with wool, controlling caterpillars, and saying goodbye

The Wool Wire | July 24, 2024
Members Free

The Wool Wire | July 10, 2024

Honoring the Churro sheep and its role in Diné tradition, celebrating a very cool Diné collaboration with with Ralph Lauren, and oohing and aahing at new PFAS-free firefighters' protective clothing crafted from wool

The Wool Wire | July 10, 2024
Members Free

Book group in one hour!

Did you find love in your laundry yet?

Book group in one hour!
Members Free

Flock Talk starts in one hour!

Paging the Foundation Flock! Come join me for an hour of conversation and wooly fellowship.

Flock Talk starts in one hour!
Members Free

New Quiz: Literary Sheep and Shepherds!

Fun new quiz, plus Flock Talk and book group!

New Quiz: Literary Sheep and Shepherds!
Members Free

The Wool Wire | June 26, 2024

Putting pellets to the test, saving Swedish wool, dyeing without water, plush new Merino seats for the wool jet, saying hello to a shearing family and goodbye to Zeilingers

The Wool Wire | June 26, 2024
Members Free

The Wool Wire | June 13, 2024

Wool's thermal comfort in the great outdoors, plus Huckberry in Tasmania, Darn Tough in Vermont, and celebrating Iceland's wool legacy

The Wool Wire | June 13, 2024
Members Free

Sneak Peek: Report from Paris

Here's an exclusive preview of my report from Lainorama in Paris that'll go out to the public next week.

Sneak Peek: Report from Paris
Members Free

Flock Talk in one hour!

Grab your passport and get comfy, we're headed to Paris in one hour!

Flock Talk in one hour!