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The Wool Channel

Hello! I'm Clara Parkes. I'm an advocate for wool, and I invite you to join me.

Together we’ll learn why it’s crucial that we use wool not only for socks and sweaters, but also in new and innovative ways. 

We discuss sheep farming and regenerative practices and climate change; we look at how wool can replace synthetics in a wide range of products from garden compost and insulation, to packaging and bandages. 

If there’s a wool connection, we go there. 

You can support wool advocacy by joining the Foundation Flock

Or join 7500+ wool-wise subscribers and receive my free Wool Wire newsletter. And, if you want to help spread the wool word, please consider joining the Foundation Flock. Your support keeps me going.

Featured Posts

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Sneak Peek: Report from Paris

Here's an exclusive preview of my report from Lainorama in Paris that'll go out to the public next week.

Sneak Peek: Report from Paris

Recent Posts

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Flock Talk on Wednesday!

Mark your calendars! Our next Flock Talk is Wednesday July 31st at 7pm EDT

Flock Talk on Wednesday!
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The Wool Wire | July 24, 2024

Canadian wool coats, Vermont's sheep mania, NZ goes on the offensive, cycling with wool, controlling caterpillars, and saying goodbye

The Wool Wire | July 24, 2024
Members Free

The Wool Wire | July 10, 2024

Honoring the Churro sheep and its role in Diné tradition, celebrating a very cool Diné collaboration with with Ralph Lauren, and oohing and aahing at new PFAS-free firefighters' protective clothing crafted from wool

The Wool Wire | July 10, 2024
Members Free

Book group in one hour!

Did you find love in your laundry yet?

Book group in one hour!