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Nineteen Beautiful Minutes in Wales

Nineteen Beautiful Minutes in Wales
Members Free

From Divas to Escape Artists: A New Episode of Voices in Wool

I put out a call for shepherds to share stories of their favorite sheep. And respond they did! What's it like to live with sheep? Do they have personalities? And do shepherds have favorites? Of course most people know that the answer to all three questions is a

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Submit Your Sheep Story

Hooray! I want to hear all about this remarkable sheep of yours. What made it so special? Was it smart, or generous, or silly, or mischievous? Or was it simply a really good friend? You can submit your story in two ways: 1. Call TWC's voicemail at 888-653-5558

Submit Your Sheep Story
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Listen to Voices in Wool

It's been busier than usual here in wooltown, and for good reason. I'm excited to share the first episode of a new audio segment called Voices in Wool. Each episode features a conversation with someone whose life touches, or is touched by, wool. In this first

Listen to Voices in Wool
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How Well do Shepherds Know their Sheep?

We know that sheep have the capacity to remember the faces of other sheep and humans. A 2001 report [] made this clear, noting that sheep can remember as many as 50 faces. More remarkable is the fact that sheep can even recognize photographs [https:

How Well do Shepherds Know their Sheep?